nicotine free
it’s been a week that my lungs have gone to break from suffocating. i want to quit. i could no longer take cigarettes like a convenient store. the fastest and pathetic way to vent out stress. slight masochism. delighting the flurry of white feathery curls passed onto the air while staggering your lungs to its exhaustion and to your death. hmm. not a bad idea for a totally hopeless person. though there are numerous things that i like about smoking. from opening a fresh pack, flipping and separating a wish stick, lighting, inhaling, exhaling white curls, tapping ashes into the ashtray or onto the floor, up to the filter and finally throwing the butt into a projectile form. but the best thing i like about it is you get to flatter and feed your inmost fantasy through a superstition that someone’s thinking of you when your cigarette tip’s perfectly pointed. hmm. see, i told you it’s not good to smoke. it will only damage your sense of reality. seriously, i want to grow out of stress without depending on vices just to cope. so i’m tearing down the habit.
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Good for you.
Quite been there, done that. I used to have a big swollen bag of empty cartons of Gudang Garam. I wasn't a chain smoker though, but was moderately addicted to that good stuff until I coughed out blood and had whooping cough for more than two weeks. Deciding has never been so effortless.
"....and feed your inmost fantasy through a superstition that someone’s thinking of you when your cigarette tip’s perfectly pointed."
Someone does. Several times he's thought about that wretched feeling of being given the cold shoulder by someone he cares about, wondering if it was something he said or did that made you put up another wall. Mostly he thinks about whether you would smile back and say something the next time you see him, and from there just take each day as it comes. He's a hopeless sentimentalist who misses his friend.
i'm sorry, do i know you? i hope he'd have the guts to tell me. i hate cowards.
wow haba ng herr!
^ gabs
I can relate to the what you've written about someone thinking about you when the cigarette tip is pointed. Fools do believe in that stuff and yeah, I'm a fool. :)
yeah.. well.. i'd light a cigarette in hope that person in mind is thinking of me too. of the hardest things to give up for me coz the more i think of quitting it,the more i get tempted to light another one..then one..then's like torturing yourself to something that you really like like an addict i could say! but eversince i had a revelation about smoking...i promised myself and God to try my best to limit it and eventually quit it coz according to the bible "our body is God's temple." i know it's gonna be hard but in time i know il be able to do it..of course with God's help and the strong women around me...
whew. is that you? talk to you nalang... :)
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